Friday, April 12, 2013


We listed our home and have an accepted offer within a matter of weeks. Who knew! Since then, my life has become a swirling vortex of chaos! We began this journey with the idea of building. We have our plans from the architect. It is my dream home. A perfect white farmhouse with a perfect white porch surrounded by hydrangeas and children running blissfully through the yard. That is what I imagined. The simple life.

But would it be simple? Oddly enough, my husband and I both decided we needed to "talk". You know, one of thooooooose talks. What do we really want? How simple could - large home, a bigger yard, a bigger mortgage, bigger tax bill, etc, - it all be? What if our version of simple was exactly the opposite of what we'd been dreaming about?

Smaller home, smaller mortgage, smaller tax bill? Doesn't that sound better? Wouldn't that all equal more time for our marriage, children, family, friends? We are rethinking our plan. Big Time! No seriously, we are. You see, we had a 1200 sq ft home. It was tiny. Teeny tiny. But I loved that little cottage. We worked on it for 5 solid years. We finished the basement and added all kinds of wonderful character. It was lovely. I miss it. I miss it every day. We had great neighbors. You know, older folks. They were considerate and kind. They never let their dogs bark their freaking heads off or run through our yard and poop, poop, poop. We currently have neighbors with two dogs that bark at all hours of the day and night for hours on end. They are completely oblivious.They allow their cat to stalk and kill the beautiful birdies at our feeders. We've since stopped feeding the birds. Our previous neighbors were COURTEOUS. They were not ENTITLED. We took care of each other. We helped each other. We said we were sorry. We were friends.

We left because we thought we wanted MORE. We wanted BIGGER. We wanted NEW. Leaving that little home, is one of our biggest regrets. We contacted the current owners. They love it. They won't give it back. Bummer. I have some deep thinking and soul searching to do because who knew that you can't just have your house back. Oh wait, it isn't mine anymore. Get over it. Move on. Yeah, bummer.

I apologize for my absence. Sincerely. I'll pop in here and there. Let us pray that I pop in with a plan!

Please tell me, what is your idea of a simple life? If you were in our situation, what would you do? I could use some insight. Thank you!

Take on the day!

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